Youth and youngsters
Having in mind human resources, one of the main goals of Montenegro Red Cross is to have adequately motivated, educated and trained volunteers, who respect Code of conduct and accomplish given tasks in a responsible way, which is a necessary precondition for the fulfillment of programme and developmental goals, i.e. mission of the organization in general.
Montenegro Red Cross is open for members and volunteers regardless of their origin, race, religion, age, gender or political belief.
Membership in Montenegro Red Cross is on a voluntary basis.
Red Cross volunteer is every person who abides with the Statutes and basic goals of Red Cross, actively participates in the fulfillment of the tasks of organization and pays membership fee regularly, as well as a person who is willing to offer its services to the Red Cross, without expecting financial or material gain.
Children, youth and adults can be Red Cross members.
Youngsters are Red Cross members below 15 years of age, and Red Cross Youth is formed of members age between 15-27.
Volunteers of Montenegro Red Cross usually come from these two categories, youth and youngsters, and that are the main potential of human resources of the organization.
The programme for youth and youngsters, which is the programme for the work with children and adults, exists in the International Movement of Red Cross/Red Crescent since 1925. This programme interweaves with every other Red Cross programme, since the young people are the carriers and creators of different programme activities and Red Cross actions. Young people are being trained and educated for different activities, so that the local Red Cross branches could implement different programme activities. In order to have harmonized and unique realization of the programme activities, many trainings are being organized at the national level, and in that way, volunteers can spread the acquired knowledge in the local community. By engaging educated young volunteers, Red Cross is implementing different programme activities and actions in primary and highs schools. Children and young persons are mostly involved in First aid programme, and they are participating in the local and national First aid competition. Numerous workshops in the area of preventive health, dissemination and International Humanitarian Law are being organized in schools. All the activities and educations which are being implemented for the young and youngsters are focusing on promotion of humanitarian values – tolerance, personal and cultural identity and diversity respect, gender balance, fight against discrimination,…

