Home care


It is significant to say that Home care programme provides wide specter of possibilities for the complete functioning of the organization in the Home care area, and the existing situation requires development and improvement of the activities for protection of older persons in Montenegro. According to the expressed needs and analyzed situation. A number of different activities implemented by Red Cross have been developed in the local communities, with the aim of covering different needs of these persons.




Role and position of Red Cross comes to the fore through involvement and implementation of the Strategy for development of social protection of older persons in Montenegro, having in mind the fact that Ministry of Health recognized Montenegro Red Cross as a partner in this field. The Strategy defines role of Red Cross in fulfilling the following goals: development of wide and diverse system of forms and services of social protection for old persons, depending on their needs; greater coverage of old persons with the system of forms and services of social protection; identification and regular monitoring of the needs for services of old persons at the local level; improving social protection of old persons with special needs, stimulating participation of private sector in development of social protection of old persons; building positive social approach towards old persons and aging as the process; strengthening volunteer work in delivering social protection services to old persons.


