Home care
As the reflection of the realistic need for greater support for the old persons, the aim of the programme is to alleviate the problem, to reduce the level of vulnerability and cover basic need of the old and sick persons who live on their own, which will be accomplished through the implementation of the Strategy for development of social protection of older persons in Montenegro.
Implementation of this programme contributes to the development of efficient and more quality system of social protection of older persons, which will be accomplished by improvement of work and programme revitalization, with concrete proposals and activities, with involvement of new communities and increased number of beneficiaries, i.e. persons who need support from Red Cross and other socially protective institutions.
These are also some of the expected results:
  • Easier every day life for old persons, through house assistence, and other outdoor obligations;
  • Better health situation of old persons, through facilitated approach to the health institutions and medicine procurement, and advice for healthy life style;
  • Better social life and increased activity, socializing with volunteers, as well as with other benefeciaries;
  • Strenghtened local Red Cross branches whic can implement the project independently;
  • Improved cooperation with the partners on the programme;
  • Increased number of volunteers engaged on the programme;
  • Created positive approach towards old persons and aging as the process
The main advantage of this programme is that it is mainly based on volunteer work. At the moment, around 150 volunteers are engaged on the programme and future plans of Montenegro Red Cross are directed to the promotion of this programme and recruitmrnt of more volunteers. Also, we will organize seminars for education of new volunteers and refreshments for the existing ones. We will revise the existing manual, which will be aligned with the needs of the volunteers’ field work. Through different management trainings (for project writing, fundraising) we are working on strenghtening local Red Cross branches for the independent implementation of the Programme, with establishing partnerships at the local level.
Home care programme was supported by the International federation of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies by the end of 2008. After that, we established cooperation with Italian Red Cross, which will provide support for the period of one year, starting from July 2009. Austrian Red Cross showed interest for this programme, especially in the area of volunteerism development in Home care programme, which would cover all the municipalities in Montenegro.