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Voluntary service



Training for non-formal care givers and volunteers

In the period from 20-22 December 2021, the Red Cross of Montenegro organized a three days training on communication and support to persons with dementia. The training for 20 volunteers and non-formal care givers was organized in Bijelo Polje.

The main objective of this training was to prepare the volunteers for providing support services to people with dementia. These services include house visits and prevention measures that are being implemented for the first time in Montenegro. The participants acquired knowledge on dementia, how to recognize it, what are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, what can they expect from the beneficiaries, how to solve the conflict and ask for help. The training was facilitated by the representative of the Ministry of Health.

This service is provided within the Community care centers in Bar and Bijelo Polje. Volunteers and non-formal care givers from Bar will complete the same training beginning of 2022.

The trainings is organized within the project „Innovative support services for older people in the community“ that the Red Cross of Montenegro implements in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Austrian Red Cross, with the financial support for the European union and Austrian Development Agency.