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Voluntary service



Organized trainings for first aid and psycho-social support
In the period from 11-13 March 2022, the Red Cross of Montenegro organized the  Training for First aid instructors and the  Training for providing psycho-social support. Trainings were organized in the Training center of the Red Cross of Montenegro  House of solidarity in Sutomore, within the implementation of the „Health in Emerencies“ project, supported by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). There were 37 young volunteers from Local Red Cross branches from all over Montenegro who participated in the trainings.
Both of the trainings consisted of practical and theoretical part. The main goal of the training for fFrst aid instructors was to enable participants to improve their first aid skills as well as to improve their communication skills in public presentations. In addition, they had the opportunity to acquire new skills and doctrines in First aid and get acquainted with the AED device (automatic external defibrillator). In the upcoming period, these candidates will transfer their skills and knowledge to their peers through First aid trainings and lectures. The training for providing psycho-social support covered various topics, such as the following: stress, crisis, trauma, usual reactions to crisis, psychological first aid, psycho-social support, active listening, professional help, suicide prevention, support in the process of grieving the loss, and many others. Volunteers will further share their knowledge through workshops for primary and secondary school students on the topic of usual reactions to crisis.