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Voluntary service



Montenegro Red Cross succeeded to develop its capacities and set up a network of teams within the organization in three levels: national, regional and local level. These teams are trained to respond to natural or man-made disasters, in efficient, well structured and coordinated manner, in order to reduce the number of victims and alleviate the consequences of a disaster. This was accomplished with the staff support and from the International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies. Also, Austrian Red Cross, as strategic bilateral partner, provided significant support. This organizational structure enabled functioning of disaster response teams in every part of organization (local, regional and national level), including mechanisms of activation and coordination (standard operational procedures), and increase standard of functioning in accordance to the international norms. It also strengthens capacities – improved equipment necessary for efficient disaster response. In the complete process of creating the network of disaster response teams, we trained 30 members, volunteers and staff within National Disaster response team. Recently, we trained 45 volunteers for the regional teams, which will be activated according to the defined procedures for overcoming larger scale disasters, as a support to the neighboring municipalities in the specific region. We also trained 120 members of the local teams in every local branch in Montenegro. Teams will be activated and deployed within the roles and responsibilities of Montenegro Red Cross in the protection and rescue system, as a reliable partner to the government at all levels. Teams are equipped and trained for providing quick and efficient disaster response. Montenegro Red Cross, in cooperation with Austrian Red Cross, governmental institutions and relevant international organizations, recently organized Conference on climate change and humanitarian consequences, since we recognized the need for raising awareness regarding this issue. We will continue to treat this issue in the future projects and to develop partnership relations with relevant stakeholders through regional and cross border cooperation. Montenegro Red Ross showed its readiness and preparedness in the country and abroad, and proved as stabile and reliable partner in the region of Western Balkans.
Training center for Water rescue provides to the beneficiaries of the beaches, the following:
  • Training for lifeguard (training for new lifeguards and license endorsement for the current year);
  • Providing unique personal equipment for the lifeguards – worldly recognizable colors for this activity;
  • Consulting – assistence in establishing lifesaving service and recommendation for equipment procurement;
  • Assistance in engaging the lifeguards (providing data on lifeguards who are capable to work);
  • Monitoring the work of lifeguards;
  • Promotion of the beaches and swimmings (through promotional campaigns on water rescue).




Water rescue could be very dangerous situation, both for the victims and lifeguard. Only well trained lifeguards, who are in good shape should begin water rescue. Training centre for lifeguard trains and checks the knowledge of lifeguards according to the standards if the International Life saving organization (ILS), an organization that gathers rescue services from all over the world.


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