HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Prevention

Montenegro Red Cross, as executive partner of UNHCR in camp Konik, works on HIV transmission prevention with RAE population, as the part of programme which deals with RAE population. Montenegro Red Cross also cooperates with other organizations regarding this issue.




The main goals of the programme are:


  • Education and establishment of the team of experts in Montenegro Red Cross who could implement the activities in the area of HIV/AIDS,
  • Networking and strengthening the cooperation with the institutions and organizations in the country, as well as with the components of the Movement who are dealing with this issue,
  • Reduction of stigma and discrimination of HIV infected persons,
  • Awareness raising and knowledge sharing on HIV/AIDS among general.




Accomplished results within HIV/AIDS Prevention programme:


  • Representatives of Montenegro Red Cross participated in many seminars and actions on HIV/AIDS. We are traditionally celebrating December 1st, World Aids Day, when local Red Cross branches implements different activities (distribution of the promotional material, organization of education tribunes, performance),
  • Established cooperation with the governmental institutions, such as Ministry of Health, Institute for Public Health, which resulted in membership in the National Coordinating Body, which provides the possibility for receiving funds from the HIV/AIDS Global Fund.
  • Implemented projects that deal with prevention of sexually transmitted disease
  • Promotional material printed.




Montenegro Red Cross is the member of ERNA (European Red Cross/Red Crescent Network on HIV/AIDS & TB).


In the area of TB prevention, Montenegro Red Cross organizes educational lectures, tribunes, distribution of promotional material, so as to inform general population about this disease – its causes, symptoms, ways of transmission, treatment, protection.

TB Week, from September 14-21 is one of the manifestations of Montenegro Red Cross, when local Red Cross branches implement different kind of activities.