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Voluntary service



Dissemination of the Fundamental Principles of Red Cross and International Humanitarian Law

Planned activities, and at the same time, aims of the programme are the following:


  • Establishment of organizational structure for conducting dissemination,
  • Conducting educative trainings for every target groups in order to create dissemination staff,
  • Creation of adequate educative-promotional material,
  • Organization of traditional and other activities that promote Fundamental principles of Red Cross and IHL.



Target groups that are present in the dissemination and IHL programme are the following:


  • Members and volunteers of RC,
  • Members of the RC bodies and staff,
  • Primary school students, secondary school students, university students,
  • Representatives of the state and local authorities,
  • Representatives of Police, Army and civil protection,
  • Media representatives,
  • Health and Education workers,
  • General public




Montenegro Red Cross organized 6 Dissemination and IHL seminars in the previous period; 4 seminars for new disseminators, 2 refreshments, and 1 training for governing and management structure. In every local RC branch we educated around 60 volunteers who could spread the knowledge in this area, in a quality manner. We printed educative-promotional material. Local RC branches received the information on disseminators who passed the training, and who could be involved in the future RC activities.


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