Contribution to social inclusion and integration of migrants and refugees through reducing discrimination and improvement of employment

The overall goal of the project is to contribute to the social inclusion and integration of migrants and refugees by reducing discrimination and increasing employment. This will be done through the creation of a volunteer-based buddy system to support migrants in their professional integration, along with trainings related to employment issues, as well as through raising awareness of this issue among potential employers. The project is funded by the Swiss Red Cross and the duration is from January 1 to December 31, 2021.

The project activities are carried out in cooperation with the Biro for Employment and other relevant institutions and organizations and it is a support the current employment system of this vulnerable group.

Planned activities:

– Creating a project working group to monitor and implement project activities;

– Organization of 3 info sessions with beneficiaries to gather information on potential qualifications for employment and interests;

– Organization of 6 sessions on social and cultural differences in terms of country of origin, professional communication and conflict resolution, risks of trafficking in human beings at work and prevention measures;

– Organization of 2 information sessions with potential employers based on qualifications and preferences of beneficiaries;

– Providing tools and equipment for 10 beneficiaries and their self-employment;

– Publishing success stories about migrants and refugees in Montenegro, promoting their social inclusion.

Target groups:

The Red Cross of Montenegro will provide services and support to 30 persons who have been granted international and / or subsidiary protection in Montenegro.

In addition, RCM will inform 50 employers in Montenegro, raising awareness of refugee issues and reducing discrimination in employment.


At the end of the project, we will have 30 employed persons who have received international protection in Montenegro, as well as an increased number of employers who would meet the employment and integration of migrants and refugees.