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Voluntary service



Voluntary blood donation
Montenegro Red Cross traditionally, within the regular activities of voluntary blood activities, implements activities of motivation and gathering of voluntary blood donors; promotes blood donation; keeps records; in cooperation with the health institutions, organizes actions of voluntary blood donations; establishes conditions for awarding voluntary blood donors. General activity of Red Cross in this area is formalized through positive legislation of the state of Montenegro, meaning that conducting above mentioned affairs is conferred to Red Cross, according to the Law on Montenegro Red Cross. These are affairs of public interest and Red Cross has the auxiliary role to the government in the humanitarian area, while conducting these affairs.




Non-remunerated voluntary blood donors are organized in clubs, which mostly function within Red Cross.




Normative acts of Montenegro Red Cross defines conditions for awarding for persons who donated blood 5,10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75 and 100 times. For the first donation, the award is given in the Blood Transfusion Centre, when the donor receives booklet for voluntary blood donor.




Blood donation is established according to the ethnic principles: voluntary, non-remunerated and anonymous.




On the occasion of May 11th, Voluntary Blood Donors Day in Montenegro, Ministry of Health in the Government of Montenegro, on the proposal of Montenegro Red Cross, recognizes and provides adequate awards for the most deserving blood donor, for the most active Club of VBD, for the promoter in the area of educational-motivational work; for the physician and medical assistant in transfusiology. This represents a significant way of motivation.




Montenegro Red Cross also accomplishes motivation accomplishes through other Red Cross activities, by itself, or with the support from the government: provides summer and winter vacation for the blood donors, organizes meetings and gatherings; works with the youth in high schools, etc.




Responsibilities of Montenegro Red Cross are defined in the Law on Blood provision, adopted by the Assembly of Montenegro on November 27th 2007, according to which Montenegro Red Cross is the carrier of the motivational-educational work with voluntary blood donors.