Government of Montenegro provides certain benefits, depending on the number of donations, such as free medical check ups, medicine, orthopedic apparatus, diagnostic methods and hospital treatment.
Due to the fact that blood not only is living, but also renewable tissue, and that healthy organism produces larger quantities of this precious liquid, regular blood donation signifies a present that can be given in a safe and non-harmful way, without the fear that it will negatively effect psycho-physical abilities of the person-donor, or that it will speed up the aging process.
According to the WHO and IFRC standards, appropriate and sustainable level of blood supply is 5% of the total population who are regular blood donors. In the most non-developed countries, number of blood donors is below 1%. In Montenegro, there are 2.14% of blood donors, with the unfavorable structure. The main goal is to reach the percentage of 5% of the total population who should be non-remunerated donate blood donors, out of altruistic reasons.