Red Cross helped families endangered by fires

A fire which happened at “Camp Konik 2” 1st of January this year completely destroyed 3 huts in which 5 families were settled with total of 27 people. The fire consumed all the property of these families, but there were no injured people in the fire.

Red Cross of Montenegro intervened quickly after the fire broke out and settled these families in the nearby premises of satellite class of primary school “Božidar Vuković Podgoričanin” provided accommodation for all the families. On the same day blankets, matrasses, kitchen sets and food were provided.

On the next day in cooperation with NGO “Help”, members of Red Cross team, provided flour, canned food, pastry and other supplies. In addition on warm meal, per day, was provided for all the members of the struck families. NGO „Centar za ravnopravnost, integraciju i imigraciju“ acquired kitchen stoves, floor mats and hygiene packages.

In meantime conditions were created for finding new accommodation for these families in containers at “Kamp Konik 1” which will be a crossover solution until permanent solution of their housing issues.