Project : Response to Migration crisis along the Balkan Route: North Macedonia and Montenegro-(III phase)

Overall objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of living conditions and social inclusion of migrants and displaced people in North Macedonia and Montenegro.

Project is funded by the Italian Red Cross. This is a continuation of the project implemented from January to July 2021, and predicted timeframe for this project phase is 6 months.

Expected outcomes of the project are:

  • Increased humanitarian assistance for refugees and repatriated Montenegrin citizens,
  • Enhanced integration of migrants and repatriated Montenegrin citizens through education and employment activities, and joint activities with other vulnerable groups in MNE.

This results will be achieved through the implementation of the following activities:

  • Procurement and distribution of hygiene parcels (700 parcels) to asylum seekers in need,
  • Organization of round tables on social inclusion,
  • Organizing language lessons for adults or children,
  • Printing of pocket handbook for newly recruited volunteers for field work – 400 copies,
  • Organization of excursion for children,
  • Vocational trainings and internships for 3 beneficiaries,
  • Business incubator activities.