On January 10, 2024, the Red Cross of Montenegro signed an amendment to the contract with the International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies (“IFRC”), which will last until December 31, 2024. This enabled the continuation of already existing activities as well as the implementation of new activities and services in order to adequately meet the needs of the growing number of beneficiaries. The goal of this project is to provide support for the refugees from Ukraine who are in Montenegro.

Support will continue to be provided in the form of various activities, with an emphasis on the provision of psycho-social support for the vulnerable population.

All activities aim to alleviate human suffering and enable the protection and respect of human rights. The focus in this part of the project will also be on the inclusion of refugees from Ukraine in the community with an emphasis on the youth.

Montenegro is recognized as a safe destination and continuously records a large number of Ukrainian and other refugees and people on the move. Volunteers and employees of the Red Cross of Montenegro are trying to respond to the growing needs in the field and to prepare as best as possible to respond to this and similar crises.

The activities planned for the next period are:

  • Individual and group workshops for mental health and psychological support for adults and children;
  • Supporting the educational process through language classes for children and adults;
  • Specific activities dealing with the needs of vulnerable groups;
  • Support in exercising rights guaranteed by temporary protection (residence in Montenegro, suitable accommodation, necessary assistance and means of living, health care, primary and secondary education, relevant information on rights and obligations, official procedures, support in integration, work);
  • Establishing family ties;
  • Organizing training for volunteers and employees;
  • Organizing first aid training for beneficiaries;
  • Providing support in providing health services;
  • Providing the latest information through the call center;
  • Organizing excursions for children and young people.