You can improve somebody's life.

Someone depends on you.

EYCA Youth Card for Red Cross Volunteers

Hello everyone. I’m Elena, I’m 17 years old and I’ve been a Red Cross volunteer for two years. I focused my involvement in the Red Cross on helping the population in a state of social need, actively participating in actions to collect food and hygiene products for them. I also enjoy working with people with disabilities, so as part of the program implemented by the Red Cross, I visited this target group and provided them with the necessary support. I am very glad that, as a volunteer of the Red Cross, I was privileged to receive a specially branded EYCA card with which I will be able to obtain certain discounts. Given that I’m a big fan of the seventh art, I’m especially looking forward to the discounts I’ll be able to get during my visit to the cinema. Join us and FIND THE VOLUNTEER IN YOURSELF.

We fight for a better world.